Friday, November 18, 2011

Squirrel Blogger – The Art of Being ME

2Please join us in welcoming our latest Squirrel Blogger  image
Squirrel: Abbie Boswell
Chapter: Gamma Xi - Murray State University (KY)
Initiation Year: 2004
Current City: Henderson, KY
Hometown: Dixon, KY
Blog: The Art of Being ME
RSS Feed: Atom
Blog Category: life
Twitter: aeboswell
Blogging to inspire and make people smile!


You can update your Google Reader Bundle with this latest blogger by re-subscribing here.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Squirrel Blogger – Miss Alice

Please join us in welcoming our latest Squirrel Blogger 
Squirrel: Alyse
Chapter: Alpha Upsilon - Central Michigan University
Initiation Year: 2007
Current City: Harsens Island, MI
Hometown: Eaton Rapids, MI
Blog: Miss Alice
Blog Category: family and food
Twitter: CMUBlonde
I blog about beauty products, food, books, fashion and lifestyle topics. I try to offer reviews of products that involve a real-world budget (no $50 nail polishes and $10 per pound butters here!) and I try to keep things as natural and healthy as possible. Of course, we all have our vices....I also throw in little anecdotes of family madness along with everything else.

You can update your Google Reader Bundle with this latest blogger by re-subscribing here.