Please join us in welcoming our latest Squirrel Blogger
Squirrel: Hima Tadoori
Chapter: Beta Delta –
Indiana University - Bloomington
Initiation Year: 1998
Current City: Pittsburgh, PA
Hometown: Baldwin, NY
Blog: The Thousand Thank Yous Project Blog
RSS Feed: Atom
Twitter: hima215
Blog Category: Projects
From One to One Thousand, here is the online description of every step of my commitment to writing, sharing, and sending a thousand thank yous into the world! is what I have made the "headquarters" for my project, but given my current minimal HTML skills (and my lack of time/desire to learn any new ones right now!) I redirect folks to my blog. However, on my main website, here is the Welcome page text which describes what the project and blog area about...
<<At least once a week for the past several years of my life, I have experienced the following -- something lovely, pleasant, wonderful, exciting, kind or fun happens, largely in part due the actions of a particular human being, and I think to myself "I really should thank this person/company/organization, because this entity has brought joy into my life and I don't want that to go unrecognized." On the journey home from the store, party, website, etc., I imagine all of the splendid things that I will say in a neatly handwritten note that I will mail out (snail mail, not electronic) to the deserving party. At some point, I then get distracted, and I forget all about my good intentions. Or worse, I feel some level of embarrassment for thinking to write a thank you note and I shut down the whole idea, never to be addressed again.
This needs to change.
Why? Because it makes me happy to share gratitude, and people enjoy being appreciated. Because there is nothing embarrassing about wanting to tell someone about a job well done, a product well made, or simple an outing duly enjoyed.
So, in order to remove any perceived stigma to writing such thank yous - since my goal is to write 1,000 of them from this moment forward before I make a new plan - I have created this website and will share the steps of my journey. >>
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