Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blogger - Just a Hokie trying to make it through law school...

Please join us in welcoming our latest Squirrel Blogger
Squirrel: Manisha P. Patel

Chapter: Theta ChiVirginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Initiation Year: 2007
Current City: Greensboro, North Carolina
Alumnae Chapter: Triad Area AGD Alumnae 
RSS Feed: Atom 
Twitter: mppvt08
Blog Category: Trials and tribulations of life as a law student

I'm a third year law student trying to enjoy life and make it through law school! I love my family and friends who make everyday special and put up with me and my ridiculousness while I am in school!! Love my Hokies, Alpha Gam, and enjoying life :)