Squirrel: Amber Garrison Duncan
Chapter: Epsilon Phi - Texas Woman's University
Initiation Year: 1994
Current City: Eugene, OR
Hometown: Cleburne, TX
Alumnae Chapter:
Blog: The Process of Becoming
URL: http://ambergarrisonduncan.wordpress.com/
RSS Feed: Wordpress
Twitter: AmberAGD
Blog Category: Women in Higher Education, Women in Leadership
I am a higher education professional and perpetual learner. The constant state of exploration and evolution in the educational setting suits me well. Originally from Texas, I have moved around the country and enjoy regional differences that make each place unique. I also love to travel internationally. The combination of experiences keep me on a constant journey which I hope to share with you here.
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I found a million cute squirrel photos (granted this is a chipmunk but we've adopted them too right?) on Flickr, so I'll be including them in each post now =)
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