Chapter: Gamma Delta - Auburn University in Alabama
Initiation Year: 2005
Current City: Opelika, AL
Hometown: Dublin, GA
Alumnae Chapter: Auburn/Opelika
Blog: The Stephenson Fam
URL: http://www.cbtstephenson.blogspot.com
Twitter: spabc4u
Blog Category: Personal Finance, Professional, Family
Description: My blog offers 3 posts a week.
Monday Money-offers advice or money saving deals
Working Wednesday- makeup tips, products, etc. relating to my BeautiControl business
Family Friday- fun things my family and I have been doing
Blakely is also a member of our Squirrel Entrepreneurs Page
Website: www.beautipage.com/averybc
Who is BeautiControl?
We're a beauty company that specializes in Spa treatments, Personalized skincare, Advanced-anti aging products,through an at home or work Spa Experience with an unmatched income opportunity!!