Chapter: Epsilon Psi - University of Texas at Dallas
Initiation Year: 2009
Current City: Dallas, TX
Hometown: Houston, TX
Blog: Inspired with Purpose
URL: http://www.inspiredwithpurpose.com
RSS Feed: http://inspiredwithpurpose.com/?feed=rss2
Twitter: jessr1313
Blog Category: Personal Growth
Inspired With Purpose is a combination of two mottos that have had an incredible significance in my life: Inspire the Woman, Impact the World and Live With Purpose. Those are the two mottos that every Alpha Gam holds near and dear to their heart. Although I am a proud member of Alpha Gamma Delta as well as the Greek Community, the point of this blog is not only to share my experiences and what I’ve learned in my time as a member, but also to share insight in to what it means to live by these mottos.
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